Our Team

CLEAR's dedicated leadership team alongside its Board of Directors works tirelessly to advance the Foundation's mission of funding dementia research in Canada. By driving change and maximizing resources to accelerate groundbreaking science, together we are united by our shared vision.
Older women headshot
Dr. B Lynn Beattie


Middle aged man headshot
Robert Hastings

Vice President

Middle aged women headshot
Claire Lynch

Executive Director

Headshot of a middle aged women
Pam Prior

Treasurer & Director

Middle aged male headshot
Bruce Shepherd

Board of Director

Middle aged male headshot
Dr. Dean Foti

Board of Director

Middle aged male headshot
Frank Schober

Board of Director

Middle aged man headshot
Jaime Stein

Board of Director

Shiera Stuart

Board of Director

Middle aged women headshot
Una de Boer

Board of Director


President's Message

"Thanks to scientific advancements, the world has gained understanding into Alzheimer disease and other dementias." 

- Dr B. Lynn Beattie

Older women headshot

It's been over four decades since I accepted a leadership role at the then-brand-new Clinic for Alzheimer’s disease and Related Disorders at UBC.

Today, thanks to scientific innovation, the world is better at diagnosing Alzheimer disease in living patients. We’re clearer on the genetic factors behind dementia, and know what lifestyle choices people can make to lessen its effects.

However, until we have a disease-modifying intervention or, even better, a cure – we won't be able to reduce the devastation of memory loss disease to the sufferers themselves and their loved ones.

The only way to propel tangible change forward is through funding leading-edge research to prevent, treat and ultimately cure all forms of dementia.